How to Make Money with JV (Joint Venture) Giveaways

How To Make Money With JV Giveaways

I’ve got a great way for you to get a ton of free marketing products and even make money at the same time. Of course you already know what that way is: JV Giveaways.

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Interested in the possibility of earning approximately $498.50 per sale, when you make a sale, using your unique affiliate link?  If so, click one or more of the links below, bookmark the page, look it over, and follow the instructions to join my affiliate program that offers a potential payout of approximately $498.50 a sale, when or if you make a sale using your unique affiliate link!  Click the links below to get started!

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You can pretty much get almost any marketing product with master resale rights simply by joining
JV Giveaways and getting on other marketers’s lists.

But the real way to use JV Giveaways is by becoming a contributor or JV Partner. By doing this you will not only build your list but you can also bring in some nice commissions.

In order to become a contributor, you have to commit to promoting the event as well as provide a gift.

This can be anything you have rights to or have created like an e-Book, software, graphical headers, or private label artices, etc… basically anything that will benefit the members who join the giveaway.

When you and other contributors promote the event, you bring
in new members (who want the gifts) who end up signing up
to your list and other conributors’ lists. That’s leverage.

So to get people on your list, you will need a squeeze page that people see via the giveaway.  An oto to show them once they optin to bring in  extra cash. And a download page for them to access
the gift you are giving away.

Most of the JV giveawaways also allow you to show your own offers to people logging into the event.  To make this happen you will need to be an upgraded member, which usually only runs between $5-$27 or so.

You can make your offer either a product you created or a PLR or Master Resell Rights product you have rights to. Again, this is just another way to bring in extra cash. This being said, make sure to uprade when you join to be a contributor. This is the only way to go.

If you setup your gift and OTO (One Time Offer) right and then setup your offer on the giveaway, there is really no way you can’t make money unless you just upgrade and never promote the event. So make sure you actively participate in these events and always upgrade. You’ll make sales and build your list as well as get on the radar of other marketers if you make it to the top 10 referring contributors.  Which is always a good thing!

So, go find some giveways that are active and signup as a JV partner and go for it. The best way to get good at using them is to jump in and start participating.

Interested in the possibility of earning approximately $498.50 per sale, when you make a sale, using your unique affiliate link?  If so, click one or more of the links below, bookmark the page, look it over, and follow the instructions to join my affiliate program that offers a potential payout of approximately $498.50 a sale, when or if you make a sale using your unique affiliate link!  Click the links below to get started!

About Kris Kemp 29 Articles
Hi. I'm a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, real estate investor, and the author the rails, a novel, ebooks, screenplays, a musical, and a collection of journals. Although I have a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom--time freedom, financial freedom, health freedom, location/travel freedom, spiritual freedom.