Does SEO still matter?

Does SEO still matter.

Good question.

Let’s talk about SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.

Essentially, SEO is identifying and structuring digital content (typically a website, a web page, a blog post, a video description) in a way that helps search engines to find that digital content and prioritize it by putting it on their first page.

The Basics of SEO

We are going to talk about the basics of SEO. The first thing
to know is that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization,
and the second thing to know is that if you want to be successful on the internet you must learn about, and utilize SEO techniques on your website.

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When you use proper SEO techniques on your website,
you will see an increase in the traffic that visits your site,
an increase in sales, and an increase in the money you make.

The most important aspect of SEO is having the proper
keywords for your site, and the proper use of those keywords.
Keyword research is essential for any type of site on the web
because it will ensure you that you are using the right keywords for your site.

A keyword is something that describes your site, for instance
if you are selling flowers some of your keywords may be flowers, roses, vases, and plants to name a few. Once you have your keywords they need to be used properly in every area of your site.

Your domain name should contain one of your keywords, all of your content, whether written or video, should contain keywords at the rate of 3-4%. The better use you make of keywords the higher your rankings will climb on the big three search engines. The higher your ranking the better.

Another of the basics of SEO is content, content will be the articles, videos, and other items you put on your site.  You must change your content frequently, if you do not change content the search engine bots will penalize your site and lower your rankings.

When it comes to content, headers, sub-headers, Meta tags, and even the tags on videos need to have one of your keywords included.

These are the basics of SEO, there is more to learn, but there
are many places to get the information you need. Do not be overwhelmed, there is a lot of software, and people that can help you with your SEO goals.

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About Kris Kemp 29 Articles
Hi. I'm a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, real estate investor, and the author the rails, a novel, ebooks, screenplays, a musical, and a collection of journals. Although I have a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom--time freedom, financial freedom, health freedom, location/travel freedom, spiritual freedom.