Fill in the Blank Email Marketing BluePrint: No Download Required

The Importance of Building an Audience
If you have a business, whether it’s a product or service you are selling or earning an affiliate commission for, you know the importance of building an audience. Doing this requires understanding the basics of marketing. One of the pillars of online marketing is creating a powerful and effective email marketing campaign.

What is an Email Marketing Campaign
An email marketing campaign consists of a series of pre-written emails that are added into your autoresponder (automated email system software) that are sent out in a sequential manner. Email marketing is one of the best ways to build your audience for your product or service.

Email Marketing BluePrint
Here’s a basic template, a blueprint, that you can use for your email marketing campaigns. Simply fill in the blanks, then copy and paste it into your autoresponder for your email marketing campaign.

note: The highlighted sections are the sections where that contain the fill-in-the-blank emails. Simply fill in the blank to create your own email marketing campaign that you can insert into your autoresponders.

Fill in the Blanks Email Marketing Blueprint

#1 Welcome Email + Setting the Stage
Who I am. What I have to offer you. What you can expect next (future emails).
Here’s the Free PDF (link to page / bottom of page has another opt in) – Hey, ( name), I’m so glad you’re here. Here’s the free gift. Over the next few weeks I’m going to be sharing with you some more things that are going to make the biggest difference, so you can overcome obstacles that I’ve run into when (trying to do this, trying to accomplish the goal)

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#1 Email

subject line: (subject line)

Hey (name),

I’m glad you’re here. Thanks so much for signing up to (name of website).

Here’s your (free offer – blueprint, cheatsheet, tips, strategies, free report, free ebook). Click the link below for immediate download.

(link to immediate download of free offer)

I’m (name), a (what I do, my expertise, my passion), an (award-winng, recognitions) and the (author, inventor) of (book, product, app, software, invention, etc).

For more about me and what people have said about me, click here (link).

I help (this group of people) do (category of benefit) better, even if (worst case scenario).

Over the next few (time period, days, weeks, months), I’m going to sharing with you money-saving travel tips and strategies that will enable you to (verb that indicates benefit–travel, lose weight, get clear skin, etc, no matter (what type of condition or situation you are currently in), for less than (price) a (time period – week, month, etc.).

(funny GIF or static image that relates to product or service)

I’ll be sending you an email in a (time period, few hours, days, a week) with the subject line (subject line of email)

see you then,

your name
your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
your website
your email
your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

#2 The Story – Peak Drama
How does your story directly relate to the problem or challenge that you can help them directly overcome. When telling the story, start with peak drama. Inciting incident. Share something dramatic that happened in your life, a challenge, that the audience can relate to. Then, open a loop — “in a few days, I’m going to tell you what I did to overcome this crisis/situation/problem … “ (open loop) / P.S. If you want to jump ahead and figure out how to solve this problem now, visit (product)

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#2 Email

subject line: (subject line)

A (time period – few days, weeks, months, years) ago, I returned to (geographical location).

For the last year, I had been living in (geographical location) (verb – working, doing, handling, etc) odd jobs and enduring the (negative conditions – freezing temperatures, difficult co-workers, poor wages).

(verb – Arriving/returning) to (current geographical location), I was (verb indictating negativity – unhappy, feeling depressed, unsure of my next step).

I (verb – was living, was working, did) (result – at my parents, at a fast food restaurant, was feeling down in the dumps).

In short, I was (verb indicating negative result – depressed, unhappy, overweight, etc).

One afternoon, my friend (name of friend) visited. (Name of friend) told me (word of advice).

I didn’t really know what she meant by that, but I decided to follow (his/her) advice.

The results were almost imperceptible at first.

Things started happening around me that I had not anticipated …

Something happened.

I will tell you what happened in the next email, that I’ll be sending out
to you in a few days.

Look for it in your inbox with the title: (subject line)

see you then,

(your name)
(your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
(your website)
(your email)
(your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

#3 The Epiphany
I realized that people who do this (make money online, lose weight, are able to travel without much money) all do this, have this (have email lists, start off by fasting, begin by reducing their possessions and going minimalist), so doing this (building email lists, fasting, going minimal) is key. Once we started (building an email list), things started going so much better. There was a number of hidden benefits that we didn’t even realize were going to happen. When we started building the list, the hidden benefits started to appear. I’ll be telling you about the hidden benefits in the next email (open loop)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

#3 Email

subject line: (subject line)

Something happened.

Things started happening around me that I had not anticipated …

One afternoon I got a (phone call, text, email) from a perfect stranger.

Another day, I was introduced (an opportunity, a situation, a person with an opportunity/secret) and an offer to (action verb with beneficial results – travel abroad, lose weight, get clearer skin, overcome my shyness, meet lots of beautiful girls, gain confidence, etc)

Then something happened …

And another thing happened …

What happened you are asking? If I told you, you might not believe me! (Incite curiosity.) Also, this email would run too long.

Suffice it to say …

Doors were opening to all sort of possibilities.

Without any effort, my life was changing for the better …

Check your email inbox in a few days … (subject line)

see you then,

(your name)
(your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
(your website)
(your email)
(your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)
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#4 – The Build Up
Ramp up the tension. Increase the curiosity. Hint at the benefits. Offer a glimpse of the positive outcome. Doing these things will get the reader/audience to become emotionally invested into the outcome of the story (your story) and, hopefully, allow them to identify with your journey to-the-point that they are willing to invest in your product or service to see the same beneficial result.

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#4 Email

subject line: (subject line)

Without any effort, my life was changing for the better …

8 weeks later, I found myself in (better position–physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, geographical–ie. 50 pounds lighter, with a clear conscience, emotionally empowered, with an amazing mental clarity, in a beautiful castle in Europe) with (person–ie. beautiful girl, handsome man, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, best friend, amazing travel partner) at my side.

How did I get to this amazing place? It’s coming …

One afternoon, I sent an email, with photos from our adventures, to my (friend or relative–cousin, brother, Dad, Mom, uncle)  who was (successful in his field–professor, doctor, well-paid engineer, etc).

A day later, I received a reply from him.

His email began with: “I’m sick with envy”

When my (friend, relative) sent me that email that started with “I’m sick with envy … “ it hit me …

I realized something …

I’ll be telling you exactly what it is I realized in the next email …

Look for it 7 days from now, with the subject line “ … it hit me”

see you then,

(your name)
(your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
(your website)
(your email)
(your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)

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#5 Hidden Benefits
Dive into the promise (what the audience like, wants). The hidden benefits — all of the sudden we were able to work from anywhere in the world, we were able to work less and earn more, there’s less stress, so we’re happier in our relationship, the extra free time allowed us to travel more, but it wasn’t something we learned to do on our own … thankfully, we discovered a system … (open loop)

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#5 Email

subject line: (subject line)

When my (friend, relative) sent me that email that started with “I’m sick with envy … “ it hit me …

I realized that few people knew how to (action verb with beneficial results–travel cheap, lose weight, get mental clarity, accomplish 10x our work output, make money online, reduce my workload to 10 hours a week and double my income, etc) like (I, we) did.

Few people knew how to (verb – travel, lose weight, earn money online) for only (dollar amount — a few dollars a day/week/month), with (additional benefits – clearer skin, greater clarity, better focus, abundant energy, etc) as a result.

At (geographical location, place, situation), we were given (benefits) …

More people need to know about this …

More people need to know that they have (benefits – clearer skin, a healthy & toned body, abundance in relationships and finances) for as little as (money amount) a (day, week, month).

More people need to know about …

The life changing experience, the people you encounter, the opportunities, the stories you’ll come back with …

People need to know that they, too, can experience the real benefits of (category – travel, weight loss, relationship abundance, etc) like we did.

All of the sudden, I realized that I could (benefits – travel, lose weight, get abundant energy, earn money online) whenever and wherever I wanted …

And the hidden benefits were, and still are, enormous …

I realized that people that have the richest experiences (category – traveling, with relationships, with their health, in their finances, spiritually, etc) often are the ones who do the same thing that (I/we) did.

I realized that (doing this – traveling minimally, eating once a day, getting focused, etc) is the key.

I realized that (doing this – sleeping 8 hours, prayer, meditation, spiritual harmony, etc) is paramount.

Once I began understanding the real secrets to (category – travel, weight loss, mental clarity, financial freedom, relationships, abundance in life, etc) that most people don’t know about, things became a lot clear. My perspective widened. A new way of looking at the world was possible. My options expanded far beyond what I could even see. And isn’t that what real freedom is about—having options in life? I think that’s a key ingredient, anyway.

When I started putting the real secrets to (category – travel, weight loss, spirituality, making money online, etc) into action, hidden benefits started to appear. I’ll be telling you about those in the next email.

You’re probably thinking (I/we) are (super heroes, have exceptionally high IQ’s, have rich parents, got lucky, etc).

Well, you need to know something …

(I/we) are (perceived disadvantage – college dropouts, never attended college, came from lower income/middle income families, grew up in single parent homes, are regular Joe’s and Jane’s, etc)

If two (perceived disadvantage) can do it, so can you!

Learning the secrets to (beneficial result – cheap travel, weight loss, mental clarity, making money online, etc) was something that I did on my own.

And I’m going to share these secrets with you in the next email (open loop)

Look for it, one week from now, in your email inbox with subject line, (subject line)

see you then,

(your name)
(your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
(your website)
(your email)
(your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

#6 Email
This is the system that we discovered. It worked for (me/us) and brought us (these results – features) and these (results – benefits). You can check out this product at our website.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

#6 Email

subject line: (subject line)

During my multi-month journey through Europe, I kept a journal. I took photographs. I kept notes. I documented almost everything. And once I had some free time, I compiled everything—the notes, the journals, the photographs, and what I had learned.

I call it the (subject line)

You can grab it and get immediate download by (clicking here – clickable link to payment page for product or service) now.

The main (product – ebook, report, software) is (description of product with features and benefits).

It will show you, step by step, how to (overcome a challenge, solve a problem, get beneficial results, etc) and it is guaranteed to work or you get a 100% money-back.

And get this, I’m selling it for only (price of product).

Click the image below for easy payment and immediate download.

(clickable image of product)

I’m excited to hear about your results!

see you on the inside,

(your name)
(your speciality (health coach, life coach, dating/relationship coach, etc)
(your website)
(your email)
(your phone number (optional – you can get a 2nd line for your mobile to use specifically for business reasons – I recommend this. Including your personal contact information shows that you are authentic, reachable, and available for any questions or concerns that your audience has.)

P.S. Curious about what it’s really like to (experience these beneficial results)? Want the nitty-gritty? If you’re ready for the adventure of your life, click here. Be warned, though. This isn’t for everyone. These are pages ripped from my journal and the account can get a bit graphic at times. Hang on. The ride is about to get wild!

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Use This Email Marketing BluePrint as a Template
Bookmark this page. Copy and the content, and paste it into a text file to use for your email marketing campaign emails. Use this Email Marketing BluePrint to create effective email marketing campaigns that will empower you to build your audience and grow your profits for your product or service over and over again. Share this with your friends by clicking on the social media share buttons below.


About Kris Kemp 29 Articles
Hi. I'm a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, real estate investor, and the author the rails, a novel, ebooks, screenplays, a musical, and a collection of journals. Although I have a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom--time freedom, financial freedom, health freedom, location/travel freedom, spiritual freedom.